Thursday, December 28, 2006

Nana's girl! know it's your granddaughter when....she has the purse...all the jewelry...the glitz.....and of course the pink cowboy boots....and you are in your panties. Ha ha! Posted by Picasa

Christmas 2006

Merry Christmas from Tex & Carola! Posted by Picasa

Christmas 2006

Micah and Evie (Nicole's daughters) Posted by Picasa


Tex's daughter, Nicole Posted by Picasa


Tex's daughter Marcie Posted by Picasa
Christmas at Marcie's house Posted by Picasa
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Phamous Pharis Phamily Christmas

This year we had our Christmas get-together at my brother Stevens & Jill's house. Seated on the couch is my mom, sister, Julie and her daughters Katelyn (a junior at Fresno Christian) and Elise (a sophomore at Fresno State).

These beautiful people are my daugher-in-law Jill and my son Doug and my youngest daughter, Susan. Posted by Picasa
Here is my brother-in-law Mark and his son Ryan Aydelotte.  Posted by Picasa

My nephew Aaron

This is my nephew Aaron Pharis. He is in the Army Reserves and is also at Fresno State University finishing his degree in Nursing. Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 18, 2006

The gals with the 3 Amigos.

Here we are at the new home of our friends, Betty & Wayne Sisney. They invited us and our other friends Miguel & Maria Cortinas over for a very nice dinner. Posted by Picasa

Naomi on a BIG thing!

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Ava with Great Grandma Ardis

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Going on a walk with Nana & Papa Tex

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Naomi with Nana

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