Saturday, March 10, 2007

Naomi, Tricia and Susan with their cousin, Lisa's little boy, Liam.
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Great grandma Ardis and the girls. many kids have a great grandma that looks this good. Here is my mom taking Tricia's girls for a ride in the wagon. Posted by Picasa
Cruisin..................... Posted by Picasa
Ava and Naomi Posted by Picasa

Naomi with her Aunt Susan

Naomi just loves to color. She has a wonderful attention span.
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Naomi just loves the animals at the zoo. Posted by Picasa

Nana and Papa Tex at the zoo.

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Naomi and Ava with their mommies cousins, Cody and Janel. Posted by Picasa
I am all decked out for the zoo! Posted by Picasa

A day at the zoo!

Tricia, Naomi and Ava with Papa Tex. Posted by Picasa
Naomi petting the animals Posted by Picasa